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"April’s Akashic Record Readings are magical. She led me to several of my past lives where I connected to early instances of my creative and teaching endeavors—not just my work in those areas, but the philosophies behind the work, still present in my current incarnation. Then she gave me meaningful messages from two spirit guides.  All of this was told in beautiful language and images, and everything resonated with me. The next day, signs and symbols from her reading kept appearing to me, assuring me of the reading’s truth."

- Alida T.

"April did my first ever Akashic Record reading with me and her talent as a writer really amplified her gift of connecting with guides. She can transmute energy and image into language in beautiful and comprehensible ways! It was an adventure through dimensions and frequencies both surprising and familiar for me. April's openness and genuine curiosity about me and my lineage came through which added to the experience for me. Everything was just so caring and thoughtful and unique - she left me with so many sweet practices, internal worlds to explore in meditation, and questions to contemplate. April's yoga classes are always so creative and exploratory. I feel both a depth and a lightness during and after classes with April. I love how she brings poetry, philosophy, nature, alignment, laughter, and more into a yoga session."

- Dani H.


"If I could only use one word to describe my session with April it would be m a g i c a l.

From the moment of my first engagement with her, I felt held, supported, guided. The messages that came through were truly channeled from the goddess. After our session, I began researching the threads, and each one led to a larger thread creating a beautiful tapestry of truth +  healing. There's literally not a day that goes by that I don't feel the remnants of our reading."

- Allison M.

"April’s demeanor immediately puts me at ease. Being in her presence (even remotely) is like a warm hug. Her energy is soothing and I am lucky enough to have experienced her gifts as both a yoga instructor (over a year in person before COVID) & a personal Regression reading. 

In the reading, April provided some deep healing that gave me a new perspective on my current situation. I recommend anything April puts her numerous gift towards. She is a treasure. "

- Elizabeth A.

"Working with April is transformational.  I have had the honor of receiving her energetic readings as well as being her yoga student. Reviewing my akashic records with April was inspiring, healing, and nourishing.  One of the times I had a reading with her, I began the session feeling very disconnected with myself, and throughout the session was brought to tears of healing, remembrance, and reconnection. She is a loving, powerful, and vivid guide and teacher.  Her energetic readings have been extremely resonant, relevant, and helpful to me and my current situations each time I have worked with her. She lovingly holds space for our highest truth and helpful signposts to shine through.  Yoga classes with April are equally nourishing - everything from her pleasant voice to the movements she guides and the meditations she leads us through are perfectly gentle, loving, empowering, effective, and joyous. Thank you April for all you bring!"

- Heather T.

"April gave me a wonderful, insightful reading when I really needed one. She brought a warmth and intention to the work, and handled everything with a deep reverence and respect. I really enjoyed working with her, and walked away with some incredible insights."

Neal W.

"I went into my session with April excited and open-minded, but the experience far exceeded my expectations. April was verbally describing the exact imagery I had in my mind as I sat silently with my eyes closed. She unlocked and uncovered parts of myself that I had forgotten about, and I felt safe, seen, and empowered. April is truly gifted, and I am so grateful for the experience and re-connection to self."

- Natalye A

"Working with April is truly magical experience. She helped guide me through what was coming up in my life on a mind, heart, body, and soul level. The wisdom that came through in our sessions was unreal and yet also the most real thing I have ever experienced. She shared ways to apply that wisdom in a tangible way. I now have rituals and practices that I can turn to support me whenever I feel inspired. These practices have helped me to integrate the messages that I received on a deep level. Over the course of our time together, I began to see myself clearly for the first time, and as a result, I feel more connected to myself, others, and the world. I discovered who I truly am and what is most important to me. I know I will remember what I learned about myself with April’s guidance always. I am so grateful. Thank you, April!"

- Ellie H.

"I feel safely guided by April's clear communication: she is always focused and intentional. While April's work sometimes touches on intense emotions, she also keeps things light with laughter and a playful sensibility. Even when we haven't communicated about what's going on with my personal life, she accesses the messages that are exactly what I need to hear. Her meditations help me release the weight I've been carrying and allow me to open my heart to creative living and joy."

Cleo H.

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