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3 Moons (12 Weeks) of Immersive Energy Healing, Ritual & Embodiment Movement to Align to Your Inner Nature

All online, via Zoom

Reawaken to your soul, by honoring death. What needs to die away, to make space for new fertility and life? This is a space realign with the sensuous cycles of the moon and a remembrance of yourself as a wildly-alive part of nature. It is a reclamation of your one wild and precious life, as Mary Oliver so perfectly wrote.


This is a time of collective  death, grief and loss. The  Earth needs us to be our brightest, fullest selves right now, more than ever. In order to do this we must first release, surrender and celebrate the parts of ourselves that have died or are dying. This space is a reimagining--or more a remembering--of a different way to commune with loss, endings and deaths, as a valuable and necessary to the cycle of nature. Death is the reason we have life! What if, rather than look away or push it down, we gave ourselves permission to move our grief and sorrows out of us like songs?


The Moon & Cycle Ceremony will be a circle held from Autumn into early Winter: the season of shedding skins, surrender and change. Bring your grief, your sorrow, your dreams, your visions, your desires. In this circle we'll celebrate them all. We'll honor, grieve and surrender up what was, as we make the ground fertile for what is reforming anew.


We will meet Saturday mornings for a weekly circle where April will offer personalized, channelled guidance for our circle, and we’ll amplify each person’s visions and surrenderings, together in circle. Then, we’ll celebrate it into our bones with intuitive embodiment practice (gentle dance, yoga and expression--with music!). We will end each circle with guided yoga nidra and/or hypnogogic visualization meditations, written specially to bring about our transformations.


We will also meet for three special Full Moon Ritual events (on the Sunday mornings nearest the full moon each month). 


You'll receive a specially-prepared Way of the Rose ritual box with curated items and tools to support our work together (details below).


This circle is a chance to invest a quarter of a year releasing old, dead skins so that you can reimagine your potential and rekindle your soul’s wildest dreams



Saturday Morning Channelled Ceremony & Movement Circles


Our Saturday mornings together are sacred circles where we will practice ritual and intention work together, and where April will offer channelled guidance and insights for our group. Then, we’ll sink this work into our bodies and bones with creative, sensual yoga, dance and intuitive movement.

Circle work is an ancient tradition that goes back for millennia, in cultures all around the world. When we join together intentionally around our visions, ideas and manifestations, our energy fields are amplified exponentially. Our work towards our dreams and intentions is the most powerful when a circle of people holds energetic space for them.


During our weekly circles, April will set a sacred circle space, call on the elements of nature, and bring channelled insights to our group (she draws on the ancient Irish shamanic traditions as well as intuition). Sometimes she will bring in cards, runes and other divination tools. You will have an opportunity to speak your personal intentions during each ceremony, and have them heard and affirmed by every member of our circle. As needed, there will be opportunities for individual channelled guidance and group counsel. Then, we'll integrate with embodiment consisting of gentle yoga, joyful dance and breathwork. There will also be specially selected guided meditations and relaxation techniques to integrate all of this work, during savasana.  


Three Sundays of Full Moon Ritual 


In addition to our 12 weekly circles, we will also meet for three Sunday morning full moon ritual celebrations during our time together (on the closest Sunday to each full moon). 


This will be a transformational, soul-healing and ecstatically empowering experience together.

This is a ceremonial space dedicated to helping us live as the complete, full-spectrum light beings that the world at this time so desperately needs us to be. It is a chance to realign with your innate nature, and realign with your soul’s true calling for your life.

Altar Space and Ceremony Boxes 


You are invited to create an altar space dedicated to the intentions and visions for your life that you are bringing with you to our circle. You may choose to incorporate any plant allies you work with, any sacred objects that feel appropriate, and any written intentions you are working with, onto your altar space. 


Included with Moon & Cycles Ceremony is a Way of the Rose ritual ceremony box, which will include candles, plant allies for smudging, crystals and a handmade journal booklet. The box also includes our three Full Moon rituals, which April has channelled and written out for us, and 3 New Moon intention-setting prompts. 






  • 3 moon cycles of Tuesday Evening 2-hour workshops to clear old energy, commune in circle, & practice gentle, sensual movement to embody the work we do.

  • 3 Full Moon Celebration Events (Sundays nearest the full moon each month)

  • 3 New Moon Intention-Setting prompts.


10 PERCENT of your sacred investment in this work will be donated directly to the Water Protectors leading the effort to StopLine3!



October through December 2021


Tuesday Evening Circles - 5-7pm PT 

2 hours 


12-weeks (¼ of the year!) of immersive, transformative workshops to clear old energy and realign with your soul.


3 Sunday Morning Full Moon Celebration Rituals

These are 30 minute group rituals / celebrations that fall on the closest Saturday to full moon each month.

Water is life. Because this is a now or never moment for the planet, April & RoseHips Movement are donating 10 percent of your sacred investment in this work to the Water Protectors leading the effort to StopLine3. (StopLine3 is the leading effort to stop a proposed pipeline expansion that could severely threaten wildlife and water resources from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin.)

​When you join this circle, you join with the shared intention to surrender up what is asking to be released, and call forth your creative life-force energy so you can show up for this world as your full-moon, radiant, highest self. You do this because you have chosen to be a part of the collective effort to re-pollinate the world’s wastelands. You understand it is a now or never moment for humanity, and rather than give up, you have decided to rise to the challenge and do something about it. 

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